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french literature artinya

contoh kalimat "french literature"
  • A counterfeiter and a fan of French literature.
    A counterfeiter and a fan of French literature.
  • He also studied French literature at the Sorbonne.
    Ia juga mengajar hukum perdata Prancis di Sorbonne.
  • English and French literature with a focus on the 18th century.
    Inggris dan sastra Perancis dengan fokus abad ke-18.
  • This has influenced French literature considerably.
    Pamflet tersebut berpengaruh besar terhadap sejarah Prancis.
  • She graduated from Korea University with a B.A. in French Literature.
    Lulus dengan gelar B.A. di bidang Literatur Prancis.
  • In Strasbourg, he immersed himself in French literature and political thought.
    Di Strasbourg, ia tenggelam dalam sastra Prancis dan pemikiran politik.
  • Anthony Salmon from Winchester doing postgraduate research in medieval French Literature.
    Anthony Salmon dari Winchester mengerjakan riset pascasarjana tentang Sastra Prancis abad pertengahan.
  • Majoring in French literature, though I wasn't aware there was such a thing.
    Jurusannya literatur Perancis, meski aku tidak yakin ada hal semacam itu.
  • Shibusawa wrote many short stories and novels based on French literature and Japanese classics.
    Shibusawa menulis sejumlah cerita pendek dan novel berdasarkan pada sastra Prancis dan klasik Jepang.
  • He is famous for having introduced prose poetry in French literature, and is considered a forerunner of the Symbolist movement.
    Dia terkenal karena telah memperkenalkan puisi prosa dalam sastra Prancis, dan dianggap sebagai pelopor dari gerakan simbolis.
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